Thursday, December 20, 2012

Pixar Plans

A little over a year ago, I rewatched all of the Pixar movies. Sigh...childhood at it's finest. So many marvelous memories! The magic of toys coming to life! Kevin Spacey voicing an evil grasshopper! "It's a bug eat bug world out there, Princess." Classic. Robots falling in love. Houses flying through the air with hundreds of balloons. Timeless.

This past August, I got to be a kid again at a Pixar concert at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles, CA. The LA Philharmonic played the magical music while clips of the movies were viewed on the big screen.

It got me thinking. I would love to recreate each movie in my own way...with cake. I've actually done it once with Toy Story...

And more recently with Up...

 So what next? Which is your favorite Pixar movie? Help me come up with ideas! I know I want to do another project for Up. A Bug's Life is one of my favorites! Any ideas on how I could make that one? Or Wall-E! So many great options! So tell me which movie is your favorite...maybe even which scene! And I'll have tons of fun cake-ifying them :)

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