Monday, February 27, 2012

Let Them Eat Movies!

Oscar weekend. A chance for the stars to walk the red carpet and the rising film students to watch from their living room. I, of course, took advantage of the annual tradition to make an Oscar cake. Made it a bit of an experiment this time. My artsy sister sculpted an Oscar out of Rice Krispies, and I covered him with fondant. He was a bit bulky, lumpy, and lopsided, but we loved him regardless. 
Anyways, the point of today's blog is to blend the two loves of my life: movies and cake. I LOVE making themed cakes for movie nights (or TV shows). I need help with ideas though! Here are a few I've made in the past...

Star Wars: R2-D2

Lord of the Rings

 Pushing Daisies

Star Wars: Boba Fett
Now please help me! Give me your ideas! What are your favorite movies? Who's your favorite character? Someday I'll do an Ewok cake, but I want something more than Star Wars for now! What would you like to see immortalized into a cake-like form? Let me know, and maybe we can have a movie night with a character cake. Sound fun? You and me...Let's eat our favorite movies :)


  1. Replies
    1. Maybe a stomach cake with an alien coming out of it...haha. Instead of Bad Movie Night, we'll have to watch Alien!
