Monday, February 27, 2012

Let Them Eat Movies!

Oscar weekend. A chance for the stars to walk the red carpet and the rising film students to watch from their living room. I, of course, took advantage of the annual tradition to make an Oscar cake. Made it a bit of an experiment this time. My artsy sister sculpted an Oscar out of Rice Krispies, and I covered him with fondant. He was a bit bulky, lumpy, and lopsided, but we loved him regardless. 
Anyways, the point of today's blog is to blend the two loves of my life: movies and cake. I LOVE making themed cakes for movie nights (or TV shows). I need help with ideas though! Here are a few I've made in the past...

Star Wars: R2-D2

Lord of the Rings

 Pushing Daisies

Star Wars: Boba Fett
Now please help me! Give me your ideas! What are your favorite movies? Who's your favorite character? Someday I'll do an Ewok cake, but I want something more than Star Wars for now! What would you like to see immortalized into a cake-like form? Let me know, and maybe we can have a movie night with a character cake. Sound fun? You and me...Let's eat our favorite movies :)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Love and Babies

Ah yes. Valentine’s Day. Just another Hallmark holiday? Bah. Who cares? It’s a day dedicated to love and I am all for that. Last year was a great Valentine’s. Instead of the standard “Single’s Awareness” that a lot of people feel, my roommate and I decided to make a delicious Alfredo dinner and watch Jeopardy. Nerdy? Yes. Were we acting like 80 year olds? Oh, for sure. But we spent the evening enjoying our friendship. We even invited a random guy from our school, and it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
This year was a little harder. Post-grad has been rough on me, so Valentine’s Day felt a bit lonelier than normal. But that’s when it hit me. Instead of sitting on the couch feeling bad for myself, why not go out and make someone else’s day? Who cares if I don’t get flowers? I can give flowers. So I spent the morning making a golden cake covered in chocolate frosting and buttercream roses. I made some extra cupcakes and passed them out to friends. 

Have you ever taken a close look at people’s faces after you surprise them with free cake? It’s a good face. So think about that the next time February 14th comes around. Don’t sit around complaining. Get off your lazy butt and spread some love!

Last month I posted pictures of my first wedding cake. And what comes after marriage? BABIES! Apparently baby gender revealing cakes are all the rage now, but I hadn’t heard of them until my high school friend (Carla Mack) asked for my help. Carla and her husband went to their doctor on Valentine’s Day where they received a sealed envelope with the sex of the baby. Carla brought the secret to me, and my task was to make a blue or pink cake depending on the gender. (Do you get it? Blue for boy? Pink for girl? Get it now? Gosh. There’s only so much explaining I can do. What do you want from me?) I spent my Saturday night covering the cake with baby neutral colors and decorations. SO MUCH FUN! 

I am a huge advocate for buttercream. It tastes good and actually belongs with cake. Fondant is beautiful and smooth, but the texture weirds me out. However, Carla and I wanted to make this look like a wrapped gift. Fondant was our best bet. I haven’t put fondant on a cake for at least two years now. It was so fun playing with this “edible dough” again. 

Oh…and the baby?