Saturday, April 21, 2012


Last night I was overpowered with thankfulness. Out of the blue, my heart was full of contentment, friendship, joy, and love. BAH! It was such a beautiful moment. And I want to thank everyone in my life who has helped me get there. 
It has been a year of obstacles and confusion. We spend at least the first 18 years of our life in school...22-30 if you go to college and/or graduate school. After all that schooling we (or at least "I") expect to get a career right away. That's the point of our education, right? I graduated last year with a film degree. I was twenty-one years old and not even close to knowing "what I want to be when I grow up." I settled down with a part-time job and subconsciously became a miserable person.

I've been playing with cake decorating for the past couple of years now. It started out as a fun hobby that transformed into a true passion. I loved making special creations for my friends and posting the pictures on Facebook. At the beginning of 2012, I suddenly got requests for cakes. Wedding cake, baby cake, birthday cakes, etc. I never imagined I would be able to create a little business for myself and then BOOM! Friends were suddenly wanting to buy cakes from me. It has been such a blessing and I want to thank God for guiding me and everyone who has supported me. You have been such an encouragement. My horrible attitude is turning into one of positivity, joy, and cake :)

This past weekend I had the honor of making 80 cupcakes for the volunteers at Urban Family Ministries. For some reason, I was only scheduled to work at Family Video for three days. Sure, I was excited about having a little break, but I wasn't sure what to do with all that free time...and then I got a call from a dear friend requesting 80 cupcakes. Huzzah! And just when I thought I was losing momentum and the cake orders were slowing down...

I was up until 2:30am making those puppies. Frosting cupcakes and watching evening well spent! But of course, I had to wake up the next morning in time to make another two tiered cake and chocolate covered strawberries for a film company's dessert reception. 

April 20th was the one year anniversary of Shadow|Shine Pictures. My friends were hosting a party for the celebration and asked me to do a cake. It was such a wonderful evening of friends, food, and conversation.

So there you have it. 22 years old and I still don't know what I'm doing...haha. But I'm learning to love every minute of it. Hahaha. I finally have a better grasp on this journey of life. Do I know what's happening? No. Or where I'm going? No! But I am living it one day at a time, doing what I love, and figuring it out as I go. Again...THANK YOU! GAH! My heart is bursting with love for everyone in my life right now. I am just so happy to know so many supportive and wonderful people. I thank God for every one of you!